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Let customers see a good friend in you.

Chat and engage your customers with Facebook Messenger

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Good Friends Show Up

Customers can now chat with your brand like they do with their friends in the same friendly-familiar Messenger interface.

Live chat canned response
Live chat canned response

Reply to Every Single Facebook Message

Use Happyfox Chat intuitive interface to reply to every single Facebook message as a team.

Create canned responses for all the commonly asked questions

Friendly Experience - Faster Resolutions

Pro-actively stay informed and follow up on customer concerns by referring to past messages.

Back-and-forth, not any more.

Create canned responses for all the commonly asked questions

Record and Access All Customer Messages

No conversation ever slips through the cracks, every conversation is always recorded.

Access canned responses with shortcodes

Coming Soon

Structured Messages

Commerce is conversational

Go beyond text conversations, customize messages to include images, video, files and call-to-actions.

Make conversations richer, improve purchase intent and boost sales conversions.

Access canned responses with shortcodes

1 billion people are on Messenger. Connect with them now.

Be Your Customer's Best Friend