Create a Help Desk Workflow
Streamline Your Support Process

Use Smart Rules to create your help desk workflow automation

Ticket inflow is never in your hands but ticket management sure is. Right from the time a ticket comes in, gets assigned, goes into pending and finally gets resolved, a lot of manual action has been invested into it. Support efficiency is achieved only when the repetitive tasks in the above process can be predefined to function on their own without any manual work.

HappyFox lets you automate these tasks and lets you set your help desk workflow. With the help of Smart rules, you can

  • Organize tickets
  • Automate your process
  • Increase Productivity
  • Remove clutter
HappyFox is an automated help desk with smart business rules

Organize your support tasks Let HappyFox assign tickets to your staff automatically.

When a ticket gets submitted into your HappyFox system, based on criticality, the importance of customer, complexity, and type of ticket, you can use HappyFox Smart Rules to initially define where the ticket should be logged and who it should be assigned to. Create a Smart rule to ‘Assign critical tickets to Admin’ and set the right conditions and parameters and all tickets that fit the conditions will get automatically assigned to the admin.

Organize your help desk with smart business rules
Automate your help desk with smart business rules

Automate your help desk Processes Utilize HappyFox Business rules to automate your repetitive work.

HappyFox lets you add tags, change the due date, and send emails based on your pre-defined conditions. If the ticket is nearing SLA, you can create a help desk workflow to add a warning or trigger tags to let your admin or other staff know about the ticket status. You can even automate emails to be sent to the customer/admin based on your SLA criteria.

Increase Productivity of your Support System Track customer and staff replies and automate tasks based on these actions.

If a staff's or a customer's message remains unresponded, your resolution time is bound to increase. HappyFox lets you automate workflows to change status or escalate ticket in case a staff's or a customer's message remains unresponded. Increase efficiency and productivity by eliminating manual work required for these tasks.

/improve productivity with smart-rules

Remove ticket clutter and prioritize your tickets Group HappyFox tickets the way you want them, without staff interruption.

If a ticket is from an important customer or has been unresolved for a long time, you can set conditions to categorize all these tickets under a specified category, so that they can be addressed with priority. Remove the need for manually finding and organizing these important tickets to gain attention. Update more than one ticket at one go, with no work from your end. Create your help desk workflows to make your support process simpler, smoother and swifter.

Smart Rule Reporting: Monitor and Measure Smart Rule Metrics Smart Rules do not end with just automating the helpdesk. You can now track your Smart Rule Metrics in HappyFox Reports. Get a report on the number of times a Smart Rule is triggered and applied. With the Smart Rule Metrics, you can monitor the rules that require improvement and target to deliver a refined and thorough customer service experience.

Help Desk Smart Rule Metrics

The combination of user­friendliness and high customization which HappyFox provides has reaped us many benefits.

Joe Runciman,
Accelerate Education